Healthy Beverages

Key Teaching Messages
Performance Standards
NIH Health Messages

Incorporate water breaks into your daily routine, for both you and your students. Make sure fresh water is easily available, to insure that your school community can make healthy beverage choices. Ask the children how they feel before they have a drink, emphasizing the experience of being thirsty, and reinforce how refreshed they might feel after drinking a glass of water.

Learn the importance of making healthy beverage choices for a healthy body.



Did you know that our bodies are 70% water? Water is essential to every cell, tissue and organ in your body.

We lose water through normal everyday functions. Drinking is important to keep our bodies hydrated.

Teaching Health Through

Music & Movement

The Fruit Song: Go Orange


A Cool Drink of Water


Hidden Sugar Truth Demonstration

Music & Movement

The Hello Song

Music & Movement

The Clean-Up Song

Feel free to substitute pretty much any fruit in this song, especially those you might use to make drinks — squeeze and zest the lemon; squeeze the strawberries. Follow the song with a snack of fruit-flavored water.

Featured Book
Alternate Books

This book offers a unique opportunity to introduce cultural awareness, and the importance of water to all living beings. Talk to the children about how other cultures use water differently.

A Cool Drink of Water

This activity can be played like a game show. Ask the ‘audience’ to guess how many teaspoons of sugar they think are in a can of soda? Get everyone involved by sharing guesses.

Ask children to share some of the songs they sing at home as part of their bedtime routines. You can also sing a variation of this song, substituting the words good night for hello.

Just like a family meal, clean-up time is a family activity as well. In school, this song can be used with any lesson, and is a nice way to keep children moving through clean-up activities.

Science Experiment
Bathtub Fun


When you lose a tooth, place it in a glass of soda for a day or two to see what effect soda has on teeth!

Lemon Water
Orange-Strawberry Popsicles


Squeeze fresh lemons into a glass of water for a refreshing drink.