Energy Balance

Key Teaching Messages
Performance Standards
NIH Health Messages

Balancing the energy you put into your body, in calories from food, with the energy you put out, is so important! Demonstrate the concept of balance by having the children stand on one foot. Explain to children that it is important to try and keep balanced with our food and physical activities as well. Please don’t forget that beverages loaded with sugar have to be included in the total calorie count for the day.

Learn the concept of balancing the amount of energy consumed and the energy used.



Did you know children need calories to help them grow and learn?

Calories from nutrient-rich GO foods are best. WHOA foods, like cookies and cupcakes, contain a lot of calories but very little nutritional value to help healthy bodies grow.

Teaching Health Through


Energy Balance Demo


Seesaw Collage


Giraffes Can't Dance

Music & Movement

The Hello Song

Music & Movement

The Clean-Up Song

Our lives are balancing acts — if we eat a lot, we have to put out a lot of physical energy. Counting calories is only part of the solution. The nutritional value of the food is also very important. Some foods, like avocado, are high in nutrients and calories.

Art Project

The seesaw is a visual that clearly shows how energy is balanced. It’s also a good opportunity to review the importance of GO foods, and why it’s best to limit our intake of WHOA foods.

Seesaw Collage

Featured Book
Alternate Books

The book helps make the point that any movement, structured or goofy, is great for the body! House cleaning, dancing, jumping around — these are all effective ways to use energy and get exercise.

Giraffes Can't Dance

Ask children to share some of the songs they sing at home as part of their bedtime routines. You can also sing a variation of this song, substituting the words good night for hello.

Just like a family meal, clean-up time is a family activity as well. In school, this song can be used with any lesson, and is a nice way to keep children moving through clean-up activities.

Get Moving Together!
Freeze Dance Parties!


Walk faster than you normally do. Challenge family members to speed-walking contests!

GO Snack


Spread a teaspoon of fat-free or low-fat cream cheese on a piece of toasted whole grain bread. Place tomato slices on top.