About EatPlayGrow™™

EatPlaySleep™ Evaluation

Impact of EatSleepPlay™ Pilot Programs on the Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Families, Childcare Providers, Head Start Staff and Children (PDF)

A set of four research studies evaluating the efficacy of the Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM)’s early childhood obesity prevention curriculum and program model for use with low-income children, families and adults who work with young children shows significant statistical behavioral changes in food selection and observational and reported increases in exercise and appropriate amounts of sleep. The evidence suggests the success of the program is rooted in four core areas: working with young children at an age when habits are formed; working with families; using a pedagogy that employs cognitive and affective learning techniques; and connecting family activities to community-based programs, such as Head Start. In addition, the research suggests that CMOM and its partners have created a program model of complementary components that can guide future policy, research and community-based initiatives.

Healthy Eating for A Healthy Start with United Way of New York City and Administration for Children’s Services: Year 1 (PDF)

Healthy Eating for A Healthy Start with United Way of New York City and Administration for Children’s Services: Year 2 (PDF)

The EatSleepPlay™ Initiative by Michael Cohen Group (PDF)

The EatSleepPlay™ Exhibit by Hunter College (PDF)