About EatPlayGrow™™

EatPlayGrow™ Curriculum Advisors

  • National Institutes of Health’s We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition)® Program
  • New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
  • New York City Administration for Children’s Services
  • New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
  • New York City Housing Authority
  • CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College
  • United Way of New York City
  • East Side House Settlement
  • Association of Children’s Museums
  • Michael Cohen Group LLC
  • Community Health Care Association of New York State
  • Julia Bland, Executive Director, Louisiana Children’s Museum
  • Sherry M. Cleary, Executive Director, NYC Early Childhood Professional Development Institute

NIH Advisors

  • Janet M. De Jesus, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Education Specialist
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    National Institutes of Health
  • Karen Donato, S.M., Deputy Director
    Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    National Institutes of Health
  • Janet Rice Elman, Executive Director
    Association of Children’s Museums
  • John A. Sanchez, Executive Director
    East Side House Settlement
  • Nicholas Freudenberg, Dr.P.H., Distinguished Professor of Public Health
    CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College
  • Martha Hadley, Ph.D., Managing Director
    Michael Cohen Group LLC
  • Patricia Hametz, M.D., M.P.H., Pediatrician
    Columbia University Medical Center/ New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital
  • Cathy Nonas, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., Director of Physical Activity and Nutrition Programs
    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
  • Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H., D.ABSM, Director of Sleep Medicine
    Children’s National Medical Center
  • Charles Platkin, Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H., Assistant Professor
    CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College
  • Leonardo Trasande, M.D., M.P.P., Associate Professor in Pediatrics
    New York University
  • Robert C. Whitaker, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Public Health and Pediatrics
    Temple University

EatPlayGrow™ Curriculum Funders

The EatPlayGrow™ curriculum is possible with the generous support of:

  • Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
  • Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Goldman Sachs Gives
  • New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
  • United Way of New York City
  • Walmart Foundation
  • Joan Ganz Cooney Fund at the New York Community Trust
  • Amherst Foundation

Dedicated to Laurie M. Tisch for her inspiration and leadership in the fields of health and art education.